The Art of Being
Being a human being is something we are blessed with, but are we really living as a human “being”.
I find myself and the world around me constantly “doing”. Doing this, doing that, rarely ever just being.
At what stage in our lives did we become so busy? And why is it so hard to stop?
It seems that by being “busy” and “stressed” in this world of our’s, is actually perceived as a good thing. Your achieving, your making things happen, getting shit done. But at the end of the day did you enjoy it? Were you really and truly in it, present?
Or were you just thinking; as soon as this is done, then I have got to do this and this and this, continually thinking about what’s ahead without really being in the moment for all that it is.
I am definitely guilty of this, and it’s a behaviour and thought pattern that needs to be unlearned.
I know for myself, I am one of those people who are constantly busy. There is always something to be doing, learning, experiencing, cooking, etc.
But with my “wiser” (not older) age, I am starting to realise and actually wonder is all of this busyness serving me?
I find myself questioning my state of mind; am I actually present with the people and the world around me? Or am I just thinking of the next thing that needs to be ticked off the list, completed, done and dusted, whizzing through life without ever really being in it.
I wonder how much am I actually absorbing, learning, and taking in, with the plethora of information on anything and everything I can think of at the click of my finger tips.
At the end of the day, I don’t know about you, but it leaves me scattered, tired, confused and some what numb.
The “to do” list is forever growing, so at what point do we just stop? Just be?
Only when on holidays? Or sick?
I know for me, slowing down, doing less and even taking time to just be has been hard at times, along with feeling “unproductive” and “lazy”, even though it’s the best kind of medicine for me at that moment.
However over time, through cultivating a daily ritualistic practice, it has allowed me to naturally create more space in my waking day. These practices naturally slow me down, cultivating more peace and calmness within my state of being, and then in turn carrying that essence out into the world around me.
In a world of constant achievement and doing I am choosing to go against the grain, simplifying every aspect of my life, slowing down, and taking much more time to truly be here, now, in the present moment.
So I ask you this:
*Is what the “doing” which keeps you busy actually serving you?
*Are you present when your in it?
*What can you remove today from your to do list that really isn’t necessary?
*How can you simplify your life to enjoy more stillness?
After all we are not called “human doings”, we are called “human beings”.